

Invivo's corporate website must inspire confidence in partnering cooperatives. Demonstrate vision and international stature to inspire innovation and join the group.

Inspire action, for the ground and the Earth

InVivo became a company with a mission in October 2020.

The purpose of the group is to contribute to the transition of agriculture and food towards a resilient agri-system.

Environmental challenges

Global warming, soil depletion, natural disasters...

Demographic challenge

10 billion people to feed by 2050.

Geopolitical challenge

Skyrocketing commodity prices.


Inspire confidence in our partners. Inspire the desire to innovate. Inspire the international stature among the press. Inspire the desire to join the group. Inspire action, for the Earth and the ground.

A visual language inspired by nature and technology

We choose symbols of nature to represent InVivo's activities. In constant motion, the patterns are based on data, they follow the rhythm of life, the movement of the user, and the movement of the sun.


Different natural and mineral shades. Flat colours, to create a contrast between each other.


Euclid Circular B with two weights (regular and bold). The shapes are simple and elegant to give stature to compositions.


Timeless, the shapes are flat, clear and pure. The circle is central, representing Earth and cooperation.


The humans are InVivo members at work, snapped on the move. And the views from the air reinforce InVivo's impact.

Information structure workshop

Confirm who the targets are and the emphasize their importance on the website.

Validate and optimize the tree structure, and the navigation proposed during the pitch.

Best practices

Talk about the mission. The navbar as a medium for the brand mission. The importance of story-telling...


InVivo's employees, investors, cooperatives, clients, journalists, institutions, candidates, students.

Tree Structure

Analyze the old structure and brainstorm around our new proposition.

We created a detailed information hierarchy to put the whole team on the same page after the workshop. We made a deep analysis of the InVivo and Soufflet websites.


Modular system

UX Designers, UI Designers and developers worked closely to deliver an accessible and eco-friendly website in just 4 months. Based on a modular system, our client is able to customize the page according to its needs.


The project team and the client were very proud of the work we have done in 4 months.

I scanned the InVivo and Soufflet websites, prepared a workshop on information architecture, and led it.

I reworked the website components and prioritized them based on business needs and deadlines.

During the team design phase, I managed a junior UI designer until he was autonomous.

Finally, I enhanced the work processes between developers, designers and project managers.

Thanks for reading.


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